
In this day and age, people are moving here and there, by sea, by air, on land by whatever means possible.  It is good in a way because there is a lot of give and take of culture, ideas and whatnot.  This could indeed lead to a betterment for a mankind, but a thought must occur to these folk as to at what cost to the ecology that all this is being done.  I myself have traveled a lot, and have no regrets, although I have slowed down a lot and have no regrets for it either.

There is another thought.  Whenever a person writes or informs you, they do not want to know how or what the person they communicate with are doing.  They go into a babble of what they did, and where they went and this goes on and on.  While it is good to know of the family, and how all they did on a cruise etc but this is passe in some ways, when the story teller does not even bother to inquire how his or her friend is doing.  It is also expressed as an achievement which in no real sense it is.

I think it is downright selfish and ill considerate. Remember one can also be having a good time with family and friends and stay at home and also not brag about it.

Would it not be better to enquire first and be a listenener rether than go into a babble about where you have been.

Think about it and tell me if I am wrong or if it did not touch a nerve in some way.  Next time, it might be better to ask first of and about the person before telling them about your sojourns.

I am prepared to be wrong on this subject, and would be pleased to hear from you even privately.


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