
 wind chimes

                  WIND CHIMES

Wind chimes, wind chimes, what melodious and exhilarating music you play?

Who wrote the music? Who is the conductor? Who plays the solo and who is your audience in the wilderness?

Then in my REM tranquil dream they made an apparition

Dancing and waving and chiming as in an ecstasy

They spoke in a soothing voice and it felt that a hand of GOD touched me

To my soul they spoke but in a whisper

Listen, they said, it is HIM who is the conductor

HE is also the musician

HE blows gently and I respond with the music of his notes

I tinkle and wave and sing as in a thousand souls for an orchestra

Birds are my solo and my accompaniment

The hills, the mountains, the rivers, the country is my audience,

And, above all, you are the audience for my music as it sings

Hearing this, my heart danced in ecstasy and felt a joy

A joy as though HIS hand had touched my heart.

To be, or not to be- HAMLET.
With us, it is-
To press or not to press the buttons, that is the question Whether to press the button that says LIKE, and make a thousand friends Or press the button of UNLIKE- and bear a thousand bee stings with a quietus bear the slings and arrows of misguided souls with a bear Bodkin and Fardells bear(?) Or just close Facebook, and end the quandary; Make fool of all Aye, there's the rub for who wants not to peep what others say, and make fool of us al as we open it once more for just a peep It is a consummation to be resisted at all costs but perchance to dream, and leave it to the dream world and draw images of friends you have made their friendship, their families, their achievements And envisage a new sun arise


I walked with my dog through the wilderness that was swathed in a gigantic blanket of snow

Empty houses, empty streets, bathed in solitude of snow and wondered where everyone had gone

The fleeting feeling that a neutron bomb had shaken hands with the devil

But then I knew in my innards, the stalwart hard working Canadians had gone to work

With a light in their hand so anyone who wants to can see and follow

Then lo! I beheld a heavenly sight, a thousand birds flying and descended on a tree

And my heart was joyful to behold such a site

I wondered what the birds were

I switched on the computer of my brain but the type of birds eluded me

And I did not even realise the birds had flown away and I wondered

How often the treasures of nature present itself

But we through ignorance and wavering mind get distracted

And miss once again to see and appreciate the glory of nature.

Today at Collicutt- March.  Mark McIntyre, a lawyer.  Walt Abbott, bother of Lloyd, a patient of mine in the past.

At Lalji's birthday.

But from a small seed will a mighty oak grow

But from a small seed will a rose grow and show its beauty and its glow

But from a small seed will a child be born and grow

And the love and joy and hope in the parent’s eyes will show

And year by every year we see in you

Your growth of family and friends and success in life

As we raise our glass for eighty years of joy and wish you happy birthday.  For Lalji.

Scroll down to wind chimes if you wish.

Like coiled spring, it wraps around my finger

Like a poisonous snake it goes around and around

And it strangles and it strangles

Like a soft string that wraps around and around

Soft yet nevertheless strangles

Puts my being in torpor

Yet at the top it unwinds daily and lays bare my eyes

Eyes that see and eyes that do not want to see

Ears that hear and do not want to hear

I see man against man

I see beasts against man

And I see man against beast

I see nature unfold

In its beauty and drama

I wonder and I despair

To shut my eyes or to open

The quagmire deepens

I know now

Joy and sorrow is that string and I see it all with a gleam in my eye.




(Sing loud and sonorous,  Johny CASH style, if you have the voice)


There was a man called Joshi who was married to a girl named  Sarla

They lived in Jamnagar, a city in India.

Now Joshi was a teacher and a good teacher was he

He loved to teach the eager tykes and he taught with love and dedication

With Sarla by his side, he had the world by the tail

J O S H I  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOSHI

Added to paradise, God gave him a son

A son they called Babu

Now Babu was an apple of their eye and a love of their heart

The sun shone on him from morn till dark

The family lived happily in the town of Jamnagar

JOSHI----(U get the gist)

Till a day when he learnt that Africa was beckoning

Kids to be taught and an adventure to be sought

Free living, good food, prosperous living in paradise

Their eyes grew wide with thoughts that stayed and stayed and would not go away

Soon the family flew and landed in their little paradise


A paradise called Nyeri in the middle of a mountain

Now Babu grew into a strong handsome boy

With fervour and dedication he picked up the sword

No better occupation he sought but to become a teacher

He joined his loving Dad, in a school in town called Nyeri


Dad said to Sarla, Babu should settle and find a wife

And they dreamt of great days ahead

But nature frowned and Satan stared and thought

They had it too good and must be thwarted


And Babu one day was under the weather

Getting no better a Medic they did call

‘Meningitis’ said the Doc, with a poor prognosis

Antibiotics they tried with other care

But of no avail, and Babu was gone, he left his mortal coil


The Apple fell and their hearts grew heavier

Their world crashed and everything was bitter

A ticket they bought to India

And Africa they did leave with a tear in their eyes and a heart that was heavy

And that was the tragic tale of a Mr. Joshi and his quaint and dear wife, Sarla.



If only thoughts can be as beautiful as what this artist has captured. 

Skippy- we know you are in the dog heaven, and would not wish to come back, but we miss you!  Just come back just once, even if it is for a short while. This anonymous poem is dedicated to you.  Hope you enjoy it and think of us sometime.

Lend Me A Pup

I will lend to you for a while, a pup, God said,
For you to love him while he lives and mourn for him when he's dead.
Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three,
But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you and (should his stay be brief),
you'll always have his memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught below I want this pup to learn.
I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true,
And from the folk that crowd's life's land I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love Nor think the labour vain,
Nor hate me when I come to take my Pup back again.
I fancied that I heard them say "Dear Lord Thy Will be Done,"
For all the joys this Pup will bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness we'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known forever grateful stay.
But should you call him back much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
If, by our love, we've managed, your wishes to achieve
In memory of him we loved, to help us while we grieve.
When our faithful bundle departs this world of strife,
We'll have yet another Pup and love him all his life.
~author unknown~


Safe inside a shell bestowed and blessed by my mom

I grew to my destiny with exuberant joy

When the switch of my life was turned on and the light pierced my soul and bathed it in light

Her protective warmth spread on my being

And I eagerly awaited with joy to see her face

The shell could not stop me from feeling her love and her warmth

When I was ready she knew, and she broke the barrier with her beak

Lo and behold, mama was here, with a miraculous light on her face

I resolved never to leave her warmth

She built a nest lovingly for my arrival

Now I go where she goes, I do what she does

She fed me daily so I grew strong and healthy

Mouth to mouth she nourished as we communicated

Another bird was her companion

He took care of me when she was out risking her neck

She told me to call her ‘dad’, whatever

Together we danced in the air

As she taught, plodded, goaded me to soar on and on

She was the wind beneath my wings, she was the force that help me fly and fly without letup

Then a day came when mama knew that the strings of love had to be broken

And fly I must to the South and warmer air

She broke the string so her son would not perish

But I know she is with me

For   She is the wind beneath my wings.




                             A POEM FOR YOU

It is early in the morning, all is still, all is calm, Not a bird is singing its sweet morning song

No movement or sounds of bumbling bees; Butterflies rest, still asleep in the woods

My greenhouse is quiet, plants have buds that promise exqisite blooms;  Yet it is a Greenhouse full of promise

The sun slumbers on but has given a pledge that has lasted eons, to rise in the East in all its glory and wonder

Yet the mind wonders, Retired yet have duties- walk the dog, clean the yard, go and exercise to benefit the sagging body

And see what sites man has provided, and yet the infernal computer- E Mails, chat, Google

Dull talks, exciting talks with friends old and new; Friends that encircle the Globe

Yet it also brings disastrous news- Another Canadian soldier has died, The star vanquished in Afghanistan

The family mourns in silence

Sunnis kill Shiites, Shiits kill Sunnis, and the slaughter goes on

When will it end- When Sharia law is universal, and Islam rules?  Will there ever be peace

But this day our life will continue- Eat, sleep, drink and thank the maker for another day and hope the world will not be destroyed by our fellow men

Or will we build to a brighter future that will last for generations

By 2050 they say there will be 3 Billion more on mother earth, to care for and nurture- to feed, to clothe and to house

But in blindness we reproduce abundance with joy

But for today let us live and enjoy- Give thanks and pray for all living things

And mother earth for sustaining us all.   G

 (Read on after the gap, if y want to.)






We all know that corruption is common, and is prevalent throughout the world.  It shows the greedy side of humanity.  Even in the third world, the political leaders get their pockets heavy, so much so that they themselves are bent down.  They have all the worries of the world, as, in their minds, they are constantly scheming and making sure that the fact does not come out.  Not only that, but if the public, by any chance gets a whiff of it, then their policy is- deny, deny and deny.  Look innocent in front of the TV Camera, as Nixon denied all allegations, and even said, ' I am not a crook!' He had even taped all of the incriminating episodes.  Even Prime Ministers are known to take envelops with wads of money in some dingy secretive hotel rooms.

When it comes out as a scandal, all hell is let loose.  Families are involved, and the poor wife stands by her husband, and continues to deny that which she should not deny.  Many families are ruined that way, in the person who was incriminated spends some time in jail, and on coming out, gets going and enjoy his loot!

Thus it is the family of the corrupted and that of the corrupter is ruined.

I have a simple solution, but probably no one will listen to it.

Along with normal currency, money should be printed the same as normal currency, but, on the top left hand corner should have a 'c' printed in a bold letter.  It would be legal, and acceptable as a bribe.  In all the societies, the money is recognized, the form of it being given is also recognized, and there should be no penalty for it. 

The 'c' money is counted separately, so one is aware as to how much money the corrupt person is making.  Perhaps it should be taxed at a higher rate so as to discourage the practice.

And what are we to gain with such an adventure?

Well, all scandals will be avoided.  No going into hotel rooms surreptitiously and collecting envelops full of money!  No suicides etc, and the corrupt actually feels honest and a contributing member of the society.  The country also gains extra money, and everyone is happy, as the Gods of good fortune smiles on everyone.


Are we inconsiderate ?   (directed especially to men).

‘Who, me?’,‘Inconsiderate!!  Impossible.  Why, I am the most considerate and a kind man!!’, so says an ego that is hurt when asked that question; the ego that is as big as an elephant.   

‘After all, I join in all the family activities, depending on the free time I have on hand.  Quite often though, I am quite busy and cannot spare the time.  I also put out the garbage, go out shopping with my wife.  I also bring in all the groceries as required.  I also play with the children, and even take the children to school if I have the day off.  I also do things around the house, that need doing.  I admit sometimes it is a disaster, as I tackle that which I should not have tackled, but I only see it in hindsight.’

(Does this not make for a gentleman- the man who is very considerate and kind?).

Of course, by now the ego is so full and bloated, that, like the proverbial frog showing off, it does not know that its throat would burst any minute if he bragged anymore!

‘Well’, says the questioner.  When you go out shopping with your wife, do you go out in the front and pay the cashier?’‘Well, no.  I do not pay as she (my wife) has the money (as he shows some chagrin on his face), and knows exactly what to do’.

‘Do you open the door of the car for her when she is loaded up with all the shopping she did in the store?’ 

‘Well, no, that is her job.  I just get in the car and get it started.  I do park the car, and help her bring things inside the house.’

‘When she gets busy cooking and cleaning, what do you do?’

‘Why, of course, I go and check my E Mails on the computer and other interesting stuff on the computer, check my mail, and maybe see a show on the Television.’

‘Do you set the table, or, later not, wash the dishes,or clean the kitchen?’

‘No, that is not my job.  Besides, I am a busy man (as he is almost on the point of uttering a swear word).’

‘Are you invited out by friends and family to come over for dinner and meet everyone?’

‘Being the nice guy I am, we are often invited out.’

‘When you go out to your good friend’s house, do you take anything like a present, as your host has worked so hard to make it wonderful for you?’

‘Well no, that is my wife’s job.  Often we just go along.  A bottle of wine can be quite expensive, and we reciprocate often’

Not even a bottle of wine, some flowers, maybe a toy or two for the children in the host’s family?

‘No.  That cost’s money.  Besides, us Indians do not do that.  My income is limited you know.’

‘Is that not selfish, thoughtless, or even inconsiderate? Perhaps take something that does not cost very much, like what Deepak Chopra says?, like a flower in the garden.  It is the thought that counts,’

Well, yes, as he scratches his head, it is inconsiderate, I must say.

He nearly slinks off with his tail between his legs, seeking refuge in the Television. 

‘This is a lovely big house.  Did you just have it built?’

Yes, of course, he says with a swagger, as he is sure it shows his opulence.

We had it built only a couple of years ago.  I must say at times it appears very big, as the kids have left either for work, or University?  But we enjoy the space.

‘Do you have a dog?’

‘Of course not!!  He would mess up all over, besides, who has the time to look after it, like taking it for a walk, feed and bathe it etc.’

‘Do you know that new houses and estates cropping up everywhere is leaving no room for animals to roam, forage for food etc.  That we destroy forests, the very things that even our breathing depends on?’

‘I did not realize that.  In our defense, we did have a small dog in the old house.’

‘Did you look after him?  Take it for a walk.  Clear the ground after he has done his job?’

‘Well, I never took him for a walk.  He was part of the family.  We fed it the food that we lived on-  rotli, shhak, dahl, bhat, and occasionally sweet stuff.’

‘Did you know that all that Gujarati food was not good for him?’

‘Hey, if it is good enough for me, it is good enough for the dog.  Though, I must admit that quite often he was lethargic, his tummy was swelling up.  Our vet, a Dr. Patel said he was fine, maybe a little overweight.  He died quite young though.’

He adds this sheepishly.

‘Can you now tell me if you are a very considerate guy?’

‘Well, I can see room for improvement, and perhaps be a little kinder to my wife, the family, and the poor creatures that roam our country, some of these starving for lack of availability of food.  I will also make it an effort and make it my intention of contributing to their well-being.  I am also sorry that these things did not occur to me, like many people I know, and it does make me an inconsiderate person who was riding a high horse at one time I am ashamed to say.’

                                      I rest my case.



(For heaven’s sake, if you are invited out, make a resolution and take something with you.  It does not have to be expensive.  it also applies to your family whom you are visiting, if you live elsewhere and attending a University in a different town etc,  Take your mom some flowers, and you will see her eyes light up with love.)


The job is not done till the job is done :

Let us say that you will keep the wife happy by doing the dishes in the kitchen.  You are in a good mood.

You are whistling as you approach the sink.  You fill it with warm soapy water.  Put in a dish at a time, scrub and clean it thoroughly.  Then scrub it spotless, and then pile it on the side on a cloth to drain it.  It is thus that you have a pile of dishes by the sink.

You are proud of your work, but when the wife sees this pyramid and a demo of your affection, she is unhappy.  You scratch your head, and wonder why.  In your mind, are expressions like 'what the heck-' you know what I mean.

Then, like a scientist, you analyze this scenario, and you spot your mistake.  You have not bothered to wipe the dishes, and, when dry, put them away where they belong.  You realise your pathetic mistake, and peevishly like an ashamed dog, put your tail between your legs and go on to do something that even astounds you, generally in the garage or in the yard. At least5 there is no one there to complain or even notice your sloppy work! 

The dictum still sticks in your mind, that a job is not done until it is completed, ad nauseum, ad infinitum or whatever applies.

                                                       = + = + = + = +



Instead of loving your enemy,treat your friend a little better-Howe

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Destroy the enemy without and within to obtain tranquility within and without.

Just who is the enemy, and how to get rid of it to obtain peace of mind and enter a tranquil state.

This is a vast ball of thread, all confused and tied up in knots, yet it is important to untie it and make sense of it.

The enemy may be obvious, and violent, but many more enemies are subtle and a cause for the rot within, that can destroy you, your country, in the process making you miserable and unhappy, and in extreme cases, lead even to suicide. We can have the enemy visible or invisible.




 Always do right,it will gratify you and astonish the rest- M. Twain


Easily said!!  Even then worth keeping in mind.  Let us analyze it: ------------------------------------------

Always- Not today, or tomorrow or the next day.  Or when it is convenient and suits you.  But everyday, like you breathing to maintain life.

Do- By an inspiration with thought, word or deed and followed by action.  The action at times may not appear to be right at the time, and can even appear to be harmful, or even endanger your being.

What is right- it is your conscience that will tell you what right is.  It is a conglomerate of your genetics, your country, relatives, upbringing, your readings, your religion and the imbibition of thoughts of teachers that you have read or have come across in life, and after separating from the wheat from the chaff, you will follow the right action.  Above all, do not  justify or cheat your conscience.

This rule can apply to the IRS of your country, family, friends, and today it can even mean globally, as it affects one and all.y


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